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#SupportHipHopAZ Shows This Weekend

With shows from Tucson to Phoenix and artists from Flagstaff and Tucson coming to Phoenix, no matter where you are this weekend, there is something for you. Please go support the promoters, artists, and venues putting on dope shows in Arizona. You all know that some people don't think we have a scene here, right?

Our pick of the week, despite this weekend being full of super dope shows (Mouse Powell with Hollowpoint y'all; The Stakes and Mega Ran; house party shows; Sal Marcello tribute shows; GLDN party; Lando Chill with the Stakes in Tempe!!!!!!)......sorry that went on forever. Seriously this weekend is too jam packed!

Our pick of the week is the Blunt Club's 15th Anniversary. Only an event celebrating fif-teen muthaeffin' years of making this scene the shiz-nit could garner this type of attention on this busy of a weekend. Shout out to Universatile, Dumper, Pickster, and the rest of the Blunt Club team for putting on dope shows all these years. If you've never been or if you've gone to everyone, you can't miss tonight or tomorrow. Tonight local legend Z-Trip is on the 1s and 2s and tomorrow you have a slew of AZ's dopest needle droppers. It will be packed, it will be sweaty, it will be fun.

Check the rest below......

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